A Memorable Excursion

During the days of FIT (Frontiers of Information Technology) Tour back in december 2012, me and a fellow member Umar set up to explore Sarena Hotel Islamabad. We moved through corridors, elevators, lawns, gymnasiums, different floors and bar clubs, taking pictures of each other and things placed for the comfort and pleasure of the visitors. While wandering there, we came across an Art Gallery which was located inside the Hotel and was a place of amusement for the Art Lovers. We stepped inside it. Founding nobody inside the Gallery, I started to take pictures of the monuments and the portraits that were hanged on the wall. As soon as I took  the second snapshot, an aged person of about 50 years stepped inside the gallery roaring at me that: "Don't you know its not allowed to take pictures inside a gallery? What you have done. People took snapshots of these master pieces and then make copies of it" I got confused and replied in a sense that I knew that I have done something wrong: "Sorry Sir I didn't know ealier that  it is forbibben to take pictures inside a gallery." Saying Sorry again to him, we rushed out the gallery and tried to walk as fast as we could, just to get out of sight of that person. We reached into the lawn of the hotel laughing at each other upon the mistake that we have just made and the reward of that we received from the owner of the gallery.
                  The days passed and I got busy in my daily routine. One day while surfing the internet I came across the same picture of the portrait I took inside the gallery, I got curious and tried to find out more about that portrait. Upon little searching, I was wondered to see that the picture of the portrait I took was a world famous portrait. The portrait named “The Last Supper” was a portrait by an Italian Artist "Leonardo da Vinci".

About the Portrait

Leonardo's most famous painting of the 1490's is "The Last Supper", painted for the refectory of the Convent of Santa Maria della Grazie in Milan. The painting represents the last meal shared by Jesus with his disciples before his capture and death. It shows specifically the moment when Jesus has just said: "One of you will betray me". Leonardo tells the story of the consternation that this statement caused to the twelve followers of Jesus.
      When finished, the painting was acclaimed as a masterpiece of design and characterization. But it deteriorated rapidly, so that within a hundred years it was described by one viewer as "completely ruined". Leonardo, instead of using the reliable technique of fresco, had used tempera over a ground that was mainly gesso, resulting in a surface which was subject to mold and to flaking. Despite this, the painting has remained one of the most reproduced works of art, countless copies being made in every medium from carpets to cameos.

I was pleased to see that the snap I captured and for which I endured the unpleasant and harsh words of the owner of the gallery was a master piece. I forgot about what actually happened while capturing the portrait. The feeling of happiness of knowing to capture a historical masterpiece overcame the feeling of suffering in the gallery. 


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An easy approach to play "Flash files" in ASP.Net

While getting stuck on playing a flash file in ASP.Net, I found a simple solution to it. So I found it better to share this with others.

Step 1

Go to the website www.flash-control.net Download FlashControl v2.4 Free version (Free version works perfectly), or you can buy full version from the site.

Step 2

Unzip the file and put it somewhere on the your hard drive, e.g "C:\Users\Saad\Documents". Now in Visual Studio, open the Toolbox window, right-click on a tab (you can create a new one if you want) and select “Choose items…”, then on the “.Net Framework components” tab click “Browse…” and select the “FlashControl.dll” file located in "C:\Users\Saad\Documents". Finally click the “OK” button and FlashControl appears on the Toolbox.(if not just restat visual studio) Now you can drag and drop it on your webform in the Visual Studio designer.

Step 3

Now add a flash file in your Visual Studio Project.

Step 4

In the properties panel of the flash control, go to the MovieUrl and specify the path of your flash file in your project. You can set rest of the properties as per your needs.

Run your project to play the flash file in browser.

You can apply your own CSS to beautify the content of the flash control.

The above mentioned procedure is tested by me in Visual Studio 2012 and works perfectly.


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A trip to Murree

Three days back, on 1 June 2013, I had a trip to Ayubia, Nathiagali and Murree. It was a bright sunny day when our class got permitted to go on a trip after an year. Woke up early in the morning, went to hostal to pick up a buddy who wasn't ready to go on trip due to submission of projects ahead. Then hurried to the student affairs where bus was waiting for us. We left university at 8 am reciting verses of journey . The journey started well. As soon as we reached Harnoi, classmates made the advisor to stop for a while there. Then the classfellows startes to shower water at each other. Those who were running far were lifted up by two or three classfellows and were throw down in the water. This lasted for 30 to 35 minutes and everybody  including advisor with their wet clothes moved to bus and started marching towards the destination.

At about 10.30 am, we reached Ayubia where we had a cup of tea in the company of monkeys. They welcomed us at the hotel.

One female monkey whose baby was stuck with her mom, came quickly, opened the shopper, took a packet of biscuits and ran away. After having all this fun, we moved to the chair lifts and then enjoyed the ride up to the top. Their we had some snaps with eagles, horse and then had a ride on boat that was thrilling. 

After that we had lunch in the hotel near by. Then move back to the chair lifts and started moving towards Murree. In Murree we were left with only one hour. Some classmates were seen shopping there and rest were walking on the Mall Road,  and then we move back to bus. The journey started back towards the home. Stopped at Nathiagali, bought some chicken chillies coke, enjoyed that in bus because we were having no more time to stay there. At about 8:30 pm, the bus dropped me near the home and a fantastic day ended with this. I enjoyed alot with the classmates and it turned out to be one of the memorable day of my life. 


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